1. cIRT::choice_matrix
    Choice Matrix Data
  2. cIRT::payout_matrix
    Payout Matrix Data
  3. cIRT::survey_data
    Survey Data
  4. cIRT::trial_matrix
    Trial Matrix Data
  5. edmdata::items_ecpe
    Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English (ECPE) Item Responses
    matrix|2922 x 28
  6. edmdata::items_fractions
    Fraction Subtraction and Addition Assessment Item Responses
    matrix|536 x 20
  7. edmdata::items_hcp_penn_matrix
    Human Connectome Project's Penn Progressive Matrices Fluid Intelligence Assessment
    matrix|1201 x 24
  8. edmdata::items_hcp_penn_matrix_missing
    Human Connectome Project's Penn Progressive Matrices Fluid Intelligence Assessment
    matrix|1201 x 24
  9. edmdata::items_matrix_reasoning
    Experimental Matrix Reasoning Test Item Responses
    matrix|400 x 25
  10. edmdata::items_narcissistic_personality_inventory
    Narcissistic Personality Inventory Item Responses
    matrix|11243 x 40
  11. edmdata::items_ordered_eclsk_atl
    Subset of Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten (ECLS-K)'s Approaches to Learning Item Responses
    matrix|13354 x 12
  12. edmdata::items_ordered_pisa12_us_vignette
    Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012 U.S. Student Questionnaire Problem-Solving Vignettes
    matrix|3075 x 12
  13. edmdata::items_ordered_pswc_hw
    Calculus-based probability and statistics course homework problems
    matrix|288 x 29
  14. edmdata::items_ordered_timss15_background
    Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study 2015 (TIMSS) Grade 8 Student Background Survey Item Responses
    matrix|9672 x 16
  15. edmdata::items_pisa12_us_math
    Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012 US Math Assessment
    matrix|4978 x 76
  16. edmdata::items_probability_part_one_full
    Elementary Probability Theory Assessment Item Responses
    matrix|504 x 12
  17. edmdata::items_probability_part_one_reduced
    Elementary Probability Theory Assessment Item Responses
    matrix|431 x 12
  18. edmdata::items_revised_psvtr
    Revised PSVT:R Item Responses
    matrix|516 x 30
  19. edmdata::items_spm_ls
    Last Series of the Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM-LS) Item Responses
    matrix|499 x 12
  20. edmdata::items_taylor_manifest_anxiety_scale
    Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale Item Responses
    matrix|4468 x 50
  21. edmdata::qmatrix_ecpe
    Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English (ECPE) Expert-Derived Q matrix
    q_matrix|28 x 3
  22. edmdata::qmatrix_fractions
    Fraction Subtraction and Addition Assessment Expert-Derived Q Matrix
  23. edmdata::qmatrix_oracle_k2_j12
    Oracle Q Matrices
  24. edmdata::qmatrix_oracle_k3_j20
    Oracle Q Matrices
  25. edmdata::qmatrix_oracle_k4_j20
    Oracle Q Matrices
  26. edmdata::qmatrix_oracle_k5_j30
    Oracle Q Matrices
  27. edmdata::qmatrix_probability_part_one
    Elementary Probability Theory Assessment Expert-Derived Q Matrix
  28. edmdata::strategy_oracle_k3_j20_s2
    Strategy Oracle Sets
  29. edmdata::strategy_oracle_k3_j30_s2
    Strategy Oracle Sets
  30. edmdata::strategy_oracle_k3_j40_s2
    Strategy Oracle Sets
  31. edmdata::strategy_oracle_k3_j50_s2
    Strategy Oracle Sets
  32. edmdata::strategy_oracle_k4_j20_s2
    Strategy Oracle Sets
  33. edmdata::strategy_oracle_k4_j30_s2
    Strategy Oracle Sets
  34. edmdata::strategy_oracle_k4_j40_s2
    Strategy Oracle Sets
  35. edmdata::strategy_oracle_k4_j50_s2
    Strategy Oracle Sets
  36. hmcdm::Design_array
    Design array
  37. hmcdm::L_real_array
    Observed response times array
  38. hmcdm::Q_matrix
  39. hmcdm::Test_order
    Test block ordering of each test version
  40. hmcdm::Test_versions
    Subjects' test version
  41. hmcdm::Y_real_array
    Observed response accuracy array
  42. iccbeta::Hofmann
    A multilevel dataset from Hofmann, Griffin, and Gavin (2000).
  43. iccbeta::simICCdata
    Simulated data example from Aguinis and Culpepper (2015).